Web Coupons - Number of Items in Basket

This is actually doable. We call it an item-specific promotion discount code. It’s a little tricky because you’re combining two different kinds of discount schemes: web-based promotions and item-based POS discounts.

Here’s how:

  1. In PAM, go to Attribute > Add New Attribute, enter the name as promocode, set its type to string and click OK.

  2. In Sync’s configuration, under field mappings, expand the item table, double-click product_qtydiscountid, click Advanced and replace the mapping with the following:

    case when len(nitroasl_pamtable.promocode) > 0 then (select quantitydiscount.id from quantitydiscount where quantitydiscount.description = nitroasl_pamtable.promocode) else Item.QuantityDiscountID end

    Then click OK to save the mapping and OK again to close the configuration.

  3. In Sync, under Configuration, then Field Mappings, right-click the QuantityDiscount table, go to Properties and change the Filter Clause to a blank value.

The procedure for creating/assigning is as follows:

(A) Create an empty promotion in the WebStore Manager:

  1. On the left-hand menu, click Promotions.

  2. Click “Create new promotion”.

  3. Enter the name as whatever you like (e.g., 5 OFF SHOES).

  4. Enter a code, for example, TEST1.

  5. Set the percentage off value to 0, so that promotion itself has no effect on the basket.

  6. Click Save.

(B) Select “Enable Mix and Match discounts” on the Product Options tab on the WebStore Manager

(C) Create a Mix and Match discount in RMS:

  1. Create a new discount in RMS (Under Database, then Discounts) of type Mix and Match

  2. Set the description to promo_TEST1 (where TEST1 is the code you entered when creating the promotion above; “promotion” discounts must begin with promo_ ).

  3. Set the Unit Price according to each Quantity on the Pricing Schedule

  4. Click OK to save the discount.

(D) Apply Mix and Match to items:

  1. In the PAM, enable the promocode field via Attribute Visibility.

  2. For each item to which you would like to apply the discount, enter the name of the discount into the promocode field, e.g., promo_TEST1.

  3. Click Commit Changes to save your changes to the database.

  4. Synchronize.

(E) To avail of the discount at checkout:

  1. Add the item to your basket. (The discount will not be applied yet because the promotion code has not been entered.)

  2. Go to checkout and login.

  3. On the shipping selection page, enter the promo code you created earlier (TEST1), select a shipping option and click Continue.

  4. You will see that the Discount has been applied to the item.

  5. Enter payment details to finalize the transaction.

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