Marking WebStore Items as Not Available for Sale

  1. To mark a WebStore item as not available for sale on the Web (that is, that the customer should call for item availability), perform the following steps: In NSc PAM, select Attributes, then Add New Attribute. Specify a new PAM attribute called NoWebSales, then select attribute type Checkbox (true/false).

  1. Click OK. This attribute is displayed as a column in your PAM item listing. For each item that you do not wish to sell on the WebStore, set this attribute to TRUE.

  2. In NSc Sync Configuration, under Advanced, select Field Mappings. To add a new field mapping, right-click Item, then select Add New Field, then Standard RMS field.

  1. For Field Name, specify product_nowebsale. For Field Source, specify


  1. Click OK, then resynchronize your database. For affected items, the WebStore description is displayed similarly to the following:

{ns:getProductPrice} is used on the “Product Page → Related Items” and “Product Panel” templates

This ns function (undesirably) displays prices for items which have been marked as product_nowebsale

{ns:printProdPrice} which is used on the product page (buy panel template) does NOT display prices for items which have been marked as product_nowebsale

On the Product Listing template, the following two functions display prices for product_nowebsale :


On the Product Listing template, the following two variables display prices for product_nowebsale (this is unavoidable since they are variables):


Therefore if items are marked as “No Web Sale” Items; the pricing ( on the “Product Page → Related Items Panel” ** Listing Page, and “Product Panel” templates ) needs to be wrapped in an IF Statement i.e.

{if (product[‘product_nowebsale’] eq 0)}

** If “Enable the use of thumbnails for related items” is selected in the WSM; the Related Items Panel is based on a static template as opposed to the “Product Page → Related Items” NitroScript (so Pricing CANNOT be wrapped in a IF Statement). To prevent “No Web Sale” Items showing, ALL Prices (.text-price) need to be hidden on the #relatedproducts panel using CSS or jQuery.

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We use CRE but was told to ignore the first 2 steps and do steps 3 through 5. I did with no luck. When I synced it resulted in an error E1305 I think. I noticed that there is another mapping “product_nowebsale” in the list. Are these conflicting?
I deleted the new mapping I entered and synced and it ran with no errors.

Thank you,