Make reCAPTCHA Image Work on All Pages (Not Just Contact)

I am trying to create a ‘Feedback’ button (fixed to bottom of window), and I am having a hard time getting the reCAPTCHA to show.

Here is what I’m using…

$('#feedback-form .content').load('/contact-us/ #contactform', function() {

  $(this).find('input, textarea').addClass('form-control');

  $(this).find('#label_required_query').text('Your Message');


How can I make the API populate this image on all pages (and twice on the Contact page). Again- charge or no charge, I would like to make this work. Thanks!

Hey @brendan, could you PM Derek with a quote when you get back?

Derek, Brendan is currently on vacation and will respond when he’s back. I presume this isn’t urgent.