Charity Panel on the Checkout

The Checkout Charity Panel

The Charity Panel is a Panel on the Checkout page that allows you to offer your shoppers the opportunity to make donations at the checkout stage. The panel is populated with items that you create on your POS system complete with name, price and stock levels just like ordinary store items.

You populate the charity panel on the checkout using the WSM Charity Interface.

Adding Items to the Charity Panel

The WSM Charity page allows you to search for items on your store by product name. The search box will try to guess the product you are looking for using the letters you enter. Press return on the product you wish to be visible on the checkout.

The Product List

As you select items using the search box, the product list on the left hand side updates. Each product is displayed along with its price and stock level. Items that are out of stock will not display on the panel, so ensure your charity items are in stock!

You can re-organize these items by clicking on an item and dragging it to a new position.

You can remove items from the list by clicking the red cross on the item.


Panel Name

You can name you panel through the interface by adding a panel name.

Require an Item to be Selected

If you want to raise money for your local charity in a rich you can require that a charity item be selected before the checkout can be completed. This ties in with coupons requiring a charity item to be selected that can be read about here.

Message to customer if Selection is Required

Tied in with the option that requires a charity to be selected is this message that will be displayed if a shopper tries to checkout without selecting a charity item.


The Charity panel will appear on the checkout with the items you have picked and the title you have given your panel. The charity panel is like other elements of the store and can be modified using the template system as described next.

Charity NitroTemplate

Like most of the store, the charity panel is exposed to the tender mercy of you web designer through a web template. The charity template is, at the time of writing, the last template in the drop down on the edit template WSM page.