Adding Age Group and Gender to an Item in Google Feed

Google requires you to designate all clothing products as Age Group = Adults or Kids and Gender = Male. Female or Unix. For more information on this requirement from Google’s, here’s an article : Product data specification - Google Merchant Center Help

Here are the instructions for setting this up for the Google Feed generated by Nitrosell

Open PAM and create 2 new Attributes called AgeGroup and Gender

For items which need Age Group add either ‘Adult’ or ‘Kids’ - otherwise leave blank

For items which need Gender add either ‘Male’ or ‘Female’ or 'Unisex’- otherwise leave blank

In NSc Sync Configuration, under Advanced, select Field Mappings.

Right-click the Item table, Select Add Field,Add Standard Field, specify product_weblinxcustomtext7

For Field Source, specify the following: PAM_Gender

In NSc Sync Configuration, under Advanced, select Field Mappings.

Right-click the Item table, Select Add Field,Add Standard Field, specify product_weblinxcustomtext8

For Field Source, specify the following: PAM_AgeGroup

Web Store Manager settings - second tab in Google Feeds http://<domain_name>/administration/config_productfeeds.nsc#tab2 map gender to a custom text 7

map Agegroup to a custom text8

After you have synced your store you can check what feed is being output Google Feeds are refreshed from your store at about 7 pm EST each evening

You can check the link here: http://domain_name/Google%20Base%20XML%20Feed.xml
When the page with the feed is opened and formatted ( takes about a minute) search for Gender and Age Group with Ctrl-F

Please contact Nitrosell Customer Support if you have any questions on this.

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