Add-ons 201. Adding New Add-ons

Add-ons Index

Adding New Add-ons

To associate new add-ons with a product, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Add New” button in the Add-ons section of the Product Details Page:

    The following window will open:

  2. Search for the add-ons you want to add by either:

  • Selecting the department and category from the store navigation on the left:


  • Searching by keyword in the search box in the upper right corner:


  1. Select the products you want to list as add-ons for your product by checking the checkbox on the left and clicking on the “Add” button:



    You can select all displayed products by checking the checkbox next to the “Name” heading:

  2. In the “Set discount” window that opens, select:

  • Discount type:

    You can choose from the following options on the dropdown list:

    • Percentage Off: a given percentage will be deducted from the add-on price;
    • Amount Off: a given amount will be deducted from the add-on price;
    • None: the add-on will not be discounted.
  • Discount value:

    Write the number that will be deducted from the price. You need not enter the percentage symbol, or any currency symbol.

    After filling in the information, click on the “Add” button:


    If you chose several add-ons in the previous step, the specified discount will be applied to all of them.

  1. Product(s) you selected will appear in the Add-ons section of the Product Details Page. All the add-ons are clickable and are displayed together with their Thumbnail, Code, Name, Brand and Discount:

    The products you choose in the WebStore Manager will now appear on your product page under the Add-ons:
