Sending Detailed NSc Get Web Orders Debug Log to NitroSell Support

To generate detailed log information that can aid NitroSell in diagnosing problems specific errors or anomalies NSc Get Web Orders (GWO) / RMS POS may encounter , perform the following steps:

  • Close RMS POS if it’s already running
  • Locate the Store Operations POS icon
  • Enter /debug /verbose after the quotes in the shortcut. Make sure there’s a space between closing quotes and /debug /verbose so it resembles “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Retail Management System\Store Operations\SOPOSUSER.exe” /debug /verbose

  • When you reopen Store Operations POS by clicking on the icon it will run in Debug Mode. The debug log, GWO_Debug.log will be written to the desktop after you next close the application.

Please send that file to (and note the relevant ticket number in the email), or attach it to the ticket. After issue has been resolved, you should remove the /debug /verbose from the target path.