Product Customization: WSM Dependencies

Product Customization Index

WSM Dependencies

The following WebStore Manager (WSM) options must be set as follows:

  • Add to basket does not display basket option - switch off;
  • Changing a matrix item loads all item details - switch on. PC now works regardless of how this option is set.

WSM interactions

The following web store functionality interacts with product customization:

  • Gift Wrapping and Product Customization are mutually exclusive as they both use the tag along functionality. Of course there is nothing against you setting gift wrapping as a product customization. The advantage of doing it this way is that it allows you to vary the cost of gift wrapping per product;
  • Loyalty and Product Customization are mutually exclusive as they both use the same part of the discount code;
  • Fractional quantities and Product Customization are mutually exclusive;